Friday, June 11, 2010


As the extravaganza of the World Cup unravels before our eyes - a sad thought strikes me - WHEN WILL INDIA QUALIFY for such type of tournaments. A nation that has the potential to become a leader is involved in petty squabbles of its officials and federations - power hungry individuals are more worried about `enjoying the fruits' than promoting the game. The blame also lies with the players, the society in which they live and a mindset that is most unsportsmanlike.

Almost 30 years back, when I saw Olympics on TV - I was enjoying the emotions of the winning athletes - and then it struck me - NOT A SINGLE INDIAN winning any medal. Tears had come to my eyes and I as an innocent Indian got involved in sports with a single minded focus of helping the smaller children start off their sports education in a proper way. That I have been able to put many of them on the joyful track of playing sports - is a satisfying thought.

TEARS CAME TO MY EYES as I watched the world cup on TV. But I am much more matured now. I know the reasons why we are unable to qualify for the world cup. It requires a nation to respect its players - it requires our clubs to promote more grass root tournaments - it requires the senior players to go and help school students to learn the basics and enjoy the game. I HAVE ALWAYS HEARD PLAYERS TELLING ME THAT THEY ARE READY TO GIVE BACK TO THE GAME - but very very few actually do it.

It doesn't take much to make a resolve and follow it through for 30 years. I have been doing it - YOU TOO CAN! AND IF YOU DON'T - TEARS WILL FLOW THROUGH MY EYES and those of other sports lovers who believe INDIA CAN! Will you?

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